Thursday 11 June 2015

Five things That If Not Taken Care Of, Can Completely Destroy India's Future

India is now at a stage that may decide it's future. There is scope for small mistakes - we are not that fragile. But there are things that will pull down India into an abyss if not taken care of. The five of them that pose the most danger are - 

5. The Blaming Mentality 

Here in India, there are things that are not accepted by elder people. So when there is downfall of the country in some field, the first thing that comes to the mind is the govt. It's the people of this country who elect their leaders, and they should have faith in them. Whenever something goes wrong, we blame anything but ourselves. If a girl child is born, people blame the mother. Little do the idiots know that the woman has no control over the gender of a child. It is the man's chromosome that decides whether the to-be-born child will be a girl or a boy. Most ridiculously, some parents blame teachers if their kid does not get a good grade! They do not care where there child goes, how much he studies, etc. Dear such parents, keep in mind this thing - no matter if a teacher is good or bad, there must be students in the class who got good grades. Did the same teacher not teach them? The fact that every child is not the same does not apply here. If every child is not exactly the same, then every child is also not totally different. Now this blaming mentality has the capacity to create a decline in the 'do-your-part' section of the country. People would not take responsibility themselves because they are too busy yapping about how the system sucks. 


4. Inappropriate Political Competition

The motive of Political Competition is to make the political parties try to do better than the other one so that the citizens get the best govt available to them (that's 9th standard Civics). Now in almost every nation, the reality is completely different. Same is the case here in India. Instead of trying to do better than each other, political parties just make people believe that their competitors do not deserve power. Political parties, instead of improving their own performance, try to downgrade the other's performance to remain in power. This scenario can be explained with the "crabs in the bucket" example. Such political competition is responsible for people not having faith in govt. And this fails the concept of a democracy and leads to downfall since no one is actually trying to perform.  How to counter it, I don't know. But somebody better do, because this can create a problem for the 'democratic' India in the coming years.

3. Gender Discrimination

Ever heard of sex ratio? Why is it so important? Think yourself. When someone says 'gender discrimination', first thing that comes to the mind is Girls. But we should understand that both girls and boys are discriminated, it's just that girls are discriminated more and on a larger scale. Picture this - A girl has a genius mind and has the capacity to open the world's largest software firm. She knows business tactics and is a programmer. Such a girl is a precious resource to the country. But what happens when the family of the girl decides to get her married and send her off? Talent wasted. She could have improved the economy of the nation. Could have made her family members and Indians proud, but no. She might be just watching some stupid TV serial right now. Get what I mean. Such great talent is wasted every year in this country because some people never get a chance. It's just not fair. If this keeps going on, all we will have as human resources will be boys who followed the tradition. Do I still need to explain how this will affect the country?

2. Corruption

Who does not know about corruption? It has already created so much problems for us. For example, the problem of black money. People not paying their taxes. Roads not well maintained because officials want the maintenance money for themselves, etc. It the second most dangerous thing for the country and can really destroy it. Most of the civil related problems we face everyday is because of some sort of corruption or bending of rules. The way to stop this is not at all easy. It's the way a teacher suggests to the class to go on without a class monitor. Everybody should mind themselves. No need to point others out. To stop corruption, we just have to try and not be involved. And by 'not being involved', I do not mean that you have to let whatever's happening happen. I mean that when we jump a red light, we should pay the fine or face the punishment instead of bribing the traffic police. The above method suggested will resolve the rest. Still, if you see some sort of bribing or something like that going on, it's your duty to stop/report it. Thinking that you should not be involved because it affects you is not right - morally or practically. This is because it will affect the condition of the nation, and the condition will - in turn - affect you. So stop joining hands and start the action.

1. Disunity

This is the greatest problem of all. It poses a threat bigger than corruption. It is because of disunity that there are so many riots. Because of disunity that most sections of the society still do not allow intercaste marriages. Because of disunity that Andhra Pradesh split into two parts. And it is because of disunity that this country may split into several smaller ones. We have to accept each other, people. Disunity is the thing that people from Britain used against us. I remember a dialogue from a movie - "You are first an Indian, then a Hindu or muslim". Follow this principle. Disunity alone can destroy this country. When we go to another country, people call us Indians, not Hindu Indians or Muslim Indians or Cristian Indians. Why can't same be the case here in our own country? Think about it. Without unity, India is as safe a country as a deer is in the lion's territory.

Moral Of the Story - 

1. Stop blaming others for bad things. Take responsibility
2. Do not discriminate girls
3. Try to stop corruption whenever you can
4. Accept people as they are. Unite.


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