Sunday 14 June 2015

Are You A Whatsapp Idiot?

Whatsapp is now more common than common sense nowadays. And once you start using it, it's hard to turn back. What I will talk about today is Whatsapp Idiots.  These people do not know what they are doing and accidentally start conspiracies or rumors or something like that. They can be recognized by the stupid messages that they forward to others. Some of them are dangerous to the society, while some are stupid enough to not be taken seriously. But what they do can cause serious problems. I'll give you an example. Just yesterday, I got a message on whatsapp that street vendors from a certain community contaminate their food with HIV virus and then sell it to people. There was also a photo of police arresting a vendor who was involved in this crime. Now think, what would have been your thought process after reading this message?

(please, I mean no offense to any religious community or social group)
(I mean offense to Whatsapp Idiots)
(This means you cannot take this matter to court unless you admit that you are a Whatsapp Idiot)

What a whatsapp Idiot would have thought - 

"Holy wha-?! These people will never stop trying to attack us. How can someone be so inhuman?  And that photo! That proves it. I hope police catches more such people. From now on, I'm never gonna buy anything from a vendor of this community. I won't let my relatives do so either. And I better make sure everybody reads this message. Oh god! India is no longer safe! Why don't all of them leave India? The day when we start doing the same thing to the people from this community, they sure will know what we are capable of."

And that, my friends, is how you start a religious war.

What a Normal Person will think - 

"Whoa! That's chilling news. But yeah, I can't just believe everything I read. This may just be a conspiracy against people from this community to eliminate them from the food market. Because everybody will believe that these people will feed you HIV contaminated food, no one would ever buy food from their stalls, which will just result in them having to take up other jobs. So beneficiary for the other communities. But there is a photo too! Wait, the photo does not prove anything. Maybe that guy is not from the blamed community at all. Even if he is, he might just be involved in another crime. The photo does not really show that he was selling HIV contaminated food. Maybe this news is true, maybe not. I better be careful."

Get the difference? A normal guy thinks about it. He does not just believes everything he reads. He analyzes it. And yes, this could be a conspiracy against that community for all we know. We need to be aware. Some people take advantage of the differences between two communities and the religious beliefs of certain communities just for their own and their community's benefit. (I am not commenting about the relevance of the whatsapp message mentioned above. Whether it's true or not is for you to decide.)

How do we tackle this? Messages that target whatsapp idiots have one thing written at the bottom. It is 

"Share it if   [condition]"

For eg: Share it if you are a true indian
            Share it if you believe in god
            Share it if you respect your religion.

These messages should not be shared unless you are 100% sure that the information in them is totally relevant. Please people, do not believe everything you read. Not even here on this blog. 


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