Thursday 18 June 2015

The Three Types Of Indians

Here is a conversation between three people. For the sake of my own safety, I'm not gonna use any names here. In the end you will have to guess which person is of which type (it won't be hard, really)

Person B : Another puddle on the road! Oh come on! Why can't there be proper roads in India!  This road sucks. Why does the govt not do anything about it? Next elections, my vote goes to the opposition party
Person A : Maybe the govt does not know about it. You see, the govt has bigger jobs than maintaining roads all the time. Yes, there must be a separate department for the maintenance of roads. Let's go there and file a complaint.

Person C : Forget it brother! India is India. Nothing can be done about it. And by the way, why should we complain? There are so many people who use this road. Why can't they go to the department?

Person A : But as the citizens of this country, is it not our duty to report such errors in the functioning of the system? I mean, if everybody just counts on others to tell the govt about these common problems such as the puddle, the news will never reach the govt, no?

Person B : But why should we tell the govt? Doesn't the govt notice by itself? We did not elect them to just sit on a chair and order food..

Person C : Right! This is India, my friend. India will never change. The mentality of the govt will     never change.

Person A : Don't you understand? The people in the govt are also humans! Just like you count on them to find out errors in the system, they count on you to point out the errors! The way we think goes both ways, dear. If you don't want the govt to just relax all day, the govt also does not want you to do the same! India is India, yes. But India can be a Better India, only if we as citizens follow our basic duties!

Person B : All right, let's just say that we go to the department. What if the people there demand a bribe? What will you do then?

Person A : What if the people there order immediate investigation of the road, huh? Not every govt  official is corrupt, so mind what you speak. Your dad is also a govt servant, how would you feel if I say he is corrupt? This is a misconception, dude. We should be neutral to such topics. Some officials are corrupt, while some are not. We cannot be sure. Let's just go and file a complaint. If the officials there demand a bribe, we'll make sure we get it recorded and go to the court.

Person C : This is India, man. Nothing can be ---

                                        (Person C is thrown out of the car by Person A)

Person B : Yeah, you did the right thing by throwing him out. He was talking like a complete jerk.
Person A : So shall we go to file the complaint?
Person A : But why should we file a complaint? It's the government's fau---

                                          (Person B is thrown out of the car by Person A)


So here are the three types of people

1. The Wise Ones 

This is the type Person A belongs to. These people feel that it is their duty to ensure that the govt is functioning well and to inform the govt about the malfunctions of the system. India needs more people like these. 

2. The "Counting-on-you" Guys

This is the type Person B belongs to. They count on the govt for everything. They don't care if the govt knows or not, they won't take the pain to inform the govt either. They just want their problems fixed. These people do not completely understand the concept of a democracy.

3. The Idiots

Person C belongs to this type.They won't even talk about problems. Mention a public problem in front of them and they will say that nothing can be done since this is India. If they keep going on like this, they, like Person C, will be thrown out of the system.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. nicely written, good concept .keep going buddy

  3. Perhaps if Person A was truly wise, she would also be gentle? She needn't throw anybody out of the car, but could say "I'm going to drive to the government offices to report this problem now. Coming?" And if the others don't want to, she could politely say, "OK, better get out of the car now, 'cos that's where I'm going!"
