Wednesday 17 June 2015

Top Five Things That We Need To Learn From The Movie '3 idiots'

3 idiots, no doubt was an amazing movie. It managed to entertain without double meaning dialogues, adult scenes and action. Also, it's listed in IMDb's top 250 movies ever made (secures the 116th spot). Out of the many lessons it taught us about, here are the best five -

5. Try to understand the concept instead of memorizing it

Seems legit, huh? When you understand a concept, the concept itself gets into your mind, further allowing you to deal with problems related to it. This saves time. But when you memorize a concept, only the words that define it get into your mind. So if there is a problem related to the concept, you won't be able to solve it. Understanding something also helps you prepare you mind for the next level of the same topic while just memorizing stuff can lead you into all sorts of trouble. Take that mind blowing speech from 3 idiots as an example. All in all, memorizing is the better option here. But (and that's a big but), just understanding something is also not enough in some cases. For eg : Formulas in physics can't just be understood, they have to be memorized so that you do not have to derive them all over again every time you need them. Also, you can't understand when the battle of Buxar was fought. You have to memorize things such as dates, names, etc (which means that I posted the above image just for the sake of having an image. Thanks)

4. Follow excellence, success will come running after you 

                                          ^^^^^ That's the direction success runs in^^^^^

It does not matter which college you are from if you are simply excellent. A boy from IIT and an equally talented boy from VIT are of the same value. Success comes to those who are of value and have talent and not only those who are from the IITs. When people are given a homework assignment, they basically copy someone else's. Nobody even thinks once that the assignment was given for the sake of their own good, and it was meant to enhance their understanding of the topic. Copying the assignment might get you a good grade and add up to a better GPA, but what after that? This is what people will say about you - "A 9 pointer and does not even know what charge is". Keep in mind, success runs after excellence. When the opposite happens (which is happening in India), chaos breaks through.

3. Stop asking god for help

God, please let me pass in Physics, I'll never disobey dad again. Sound familiar? God does not help people. He just gives them the strength to help themselves. If you put in petrol in the car, and the car does not use it, there's nothing you can do. Similarly, if you do not use the strength that god gave you, there's nothing god can do. Just stop asking god for help. So instead of asking god to let you pass in an exam, ask god to let you study well before an exam. Trust me, god will listen.

2. Do what you are passionate about

A guy who loved physics and maths became a doctor. He earned enough to feed a family twice as large as his, had a beautiful wife, and had kids. Of course he is not sad. He is happy with life. It's just that if he had told his dad that he wanted to become an engineer instead, he would have been happier. It's the human mentality - we don't feel happy when we do not get to do what we want to. People become engineers, lawyers, accountants and doctors because they are either too afraid of telling their parents what they want to be or they are too afraid  of failure to even follow their own dreams. This, in most cases, leads to unhappiness. But (and that's a big but again), just doing what you want to does not mean that you completely follow your heart and not be practical at all. I know several idiots who play games on the xBox so much that now they want to make their own games. One of them even told me that he wanted to design his own console. That's like saying  "I travel so much that I want to make my own transport". Being that impractical will get you nowhere, and in the end you'll just wish you had listened to your parents.

1. How an Induction Motor works - 

Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr     Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr  Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr  Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr         Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr       Brrrrr   Brrrrr
Brrr Brrr Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr   Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr  Brrrrrrrrrrrr Brrrrrrrrrrr

(I know you tried to say all those brrs aloud)

1 comment:

  1. I seriously appreciate your work... You write tremendously well in all your articles :) Keep going!
