Saturday 13 June 2015

Why Digitization Will Never Affect Our Education Industry As Much As It Affected The Shopping Industry

This is the era of computers. And it is taking over everything. One of the most affected parts is the shopping industry. Want something? Order it online. From a comb to a MacBook pro, you'll get it all online. Same is the case with second hand dealing. Even the transport industry is affected. But one thing that is not gonna be affected as much is The Education Industry. Here are the reasons why -

1. Because There can be Technical Problems

"The special theory of relativity suggests that the flow of time depends on -- BLEEP. Mom! Is there a power cut again?" This is likely to happen some time. There can be so many technical errors during your learning session that you will actually learn (a lesson). What if there is no internet connection? What if there is a power cut? What if your DNS took too long to respond? What if your browser crashed in the middle of a test? When all these factors are thought of, online education becomes no more than a secondary activity.

2. Distractions

When we are studying online, there are so many distractions. What happens when you are taking a quiz online and your crush sends you a message on facebook? We all know what happens next. Kids think of  internet and gaming all the time, especially when they are using a PC or any other device connected to the internet. For example, I was supposed to be doing my holiday homework, but look what I'm doing. This, is called Distraction, which, in turn leads to destruction. Distraction is the main cause why so many people fail in class 12. It's the reason why kids completely transform when they go somewhere to study (like Kota). Beware of distractions.

3. No Class Environment

Believe it or not, but when there is a lack of students, there is lack of quality of education. Education is not just knowing that Force is equal the product of the mass and acceleration of a body. No. There is more to education than just simple knowledge. Everything that you learn to live your life in a better way is education. So, learning table manners are also education. If a kid studies independently from a website, he knows no one is watching him, so he might just look here and there after short periods of time. But in a class, a student can't do this. Because he is afraid of the embarrassment that comes with the punishment. So in a classroom environment, a kid develops in all sectors while when he studies independently, he just gains knowledge of the subject. And just knowledge of a subject is not enough no matter how much you know (remember private Quelch?).

4. Distrust of Parents

All the above three problems leads to this one. They already know about these problems and do not want their child to get distracted or miss out on anything. I would have thought and done the same if I were a parent. What concerns them the most is that their child might end up not studying at all. That their child might not get what others are getting. This century has seen an enormous transformation. Technology is not old enough for us to trust it. 


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